
Principles of the Institution and values of the educational project

Legamar International School

Legamar International School is an educational institution that covers all school stages: Pre-school, Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate. It is a private, non-denominational center that was founded in 1981 with the commitment to develop a quality educational project in the southern area of Madrid.

Our educational model is based on promoting responsibility, autonomy, effort and the desire to improve of each student to achieve full personal and academic development, so that each child can grow, be happy and contribute to creating a better society. To this end, we believe it is essential to educate healthy, free, critical, creative, responsible and respectful people capable of designing their own destiny.

Legamar International School is a benchmark in education in values and educational excellence, understanding as such the integral development of our students and providing them with the necessary tools to face their reality and project their own future with illusion and perspective, developing their academic and personal potential to the maximum. We understand the school as the place for learning cooperation and democracy: the place for the formation of the citizen.

And all this in an emotional and affective environment of trust and security and through personalized attention and monitoring, attending to the diversity of each student and in permanent contact with their families.

Principles and foundations of the institution

At Colegio Legamar International School we are characterized by:

Our dynamic and innovative character with the objective of being at the forefront of the latest methodological trends.

The internationalization of the curriculum through the development of multilingual projects, alliances with foreign institutions and international programs that promote respect, knowledge and communication with other cultures.

Social commitment to the educational community, as well as the development of solidarity projects with the aim of raising awareness and involving ALL members.

The development of a safe physical and emotional environment for students and other members of the educational community.

Respect for the personal identity and sexual diversity of any member of the educational community.

Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

The promotion of educational quality through the implementation and development of management systems focused on continuous improvement.

Values of the Legamar International School educational project

Respect for people regardless of race, personal and sexual identity, ideology and beliefs.

Self-respect and the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits.

The emotional and social development of our students.

The emotional and social development of our students.

The promotion of the culture of effort, the "passion for learning", the development of intellectual curiosity, and the importance of continuous learning, based on:

The reflective and critical spirit.





An open mind and the awareness of being a "citizen of the world".

Social, environmental and solidarity commitment.

An inquiring and investigative nature.

Initiative and entrepreneurship.

Innovative spirit.

Communication skills.

Come meet us

Discover our educational project from the hand of our teaching staff.